Notes / 17 October 2018
College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee
Wednesday, Oct 17, 2018
HCC 413
Meeting begins at 4:06
Present: Eric Gable, Brian Rizzo, Grant Woodwell, Shumona Dasgupta, Summer Durant, Jennifer Hansen-Glucklich, Dianne Baker.
Guest: Andrew Marshall to speak on behalf of the proposed Cybersecurity Concentration.
New Business
Program changes and associated proposals
Change major
- The proposed changes primarily address opportunities created by approval of the new ANTH 369 course.
- Approved.
ANTH 369 new course
- Proposal should read that this is a 1-credit hour course. The "700 contact minutes" box is "no" because field research isn't "contact" per se, but the on-site research workload is equivalent. Another possible revision: listing ANTH 369 as a corequisite, with a unique letter suffix for each related Anthropology course.
- Approved pending clarification of details of coding in communication with the registrar.
Art and Art History
CPSC change existing major
- This proposes a change in catalog language and a revision to the discrete math requirements that will make it easier for computer science and math double majors to complete their requirements.
- Approved.
MATH change existing major
- This revision will remove CPSC 284 and PHIL 306 from the Math electives list.
- Approved.
- Expedited change numbers
- This makes several course number changes: 301 -> 201, 311 -> 211, 331 -> 231, 332 -> 232, 333 -> 233, 342 -> 242, 353 -> 253, 373 -> 273, 374 -> 274.
- Approved.
- PSYC change major
- Changes catalog requirements to the newly-updated numbers.
- Approved.
- Neuroscience change minor
- Changes catalog requirements to the newly-updated numbers.
- Approved.
Urban Studies change minor
- Approved pending correction of "submitted by" and "date prepared" fields.
More new courses
CHIN 301
- Adds a regular catalog course, Advanced Intermediate Chinese I, previously taught as special topics CHIN 300A.
- Approved.
CHIN 302
- Adds a regular catalog course, Advanced Intermediate Chinese II, previously taught as special topics CHIN 300B.
- Approved.
PHIL 344
- Creates a new catalog course, Critical Theory, previously taught as a special topic, PHIL 331H.
- Approved.
THEA 311
- Creates a new catalog course, Fashion History, as an extension of THEA 310.
- Approved pending clarification of credit hours (3).
Expedited proposals
MDFL: change titles on all 24 courses numbered 101, 102, 201, 202
- For courses with ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GERM, ITAL, SPAN and prefixes, these changes update the course titles from, for example, "Beginning Italian" for both ITAL 101 and 102 to "Beginning Italian I" and "Beginning Italian II," respectively.
- Approved.
ANTH 317 Change description and title
- Approved pending clarification of effective date.
ANTH 350 Change prerequisites
- Also removing prerequisite from ANTH 317, 321, 322, 365, and 371.
- Approved pending clarification of junior/senior status for upper level Anthropology courses.
BLST 312 Change everything
- This deletes BPST 312, changes the description and changes the title.
- Approved.
CPSC305 Change prerequisites
- Allows students to take MATH 201 instead of MATH 325.
- Approved.
CPSC326 Change prerequisites
- Allows students to take MATH 201 instead of MATH 325.
- Approved.
CPSC340 Change prerequisites
- Allows students to take MATH 201 instead of MATH 325.
- The field in "Original Catalog Entry" is actually the same as "Proposed Catalog Entry".
- Approved pending correction.
CPSC415 Change prerequisites
- Allows students to take MATH 201 instead of MATH 325.
- Approved.
CPSC425 Change prerequisites
- Allows students with either CPSC 305 or CPSC 340 to take 425
- Approved.
ECON490 Change title and description
- Variable credit should be specified as 1-3, but really the "IMAGINE Social Good" course should just be taught as a new 490 suffix (as in 490B, 490C, etc.)
- Rejected.
HISP100 Change title
- "The American Heritage" will become "Introduction to Historic Preservation"
- Approved.
SOCG301 delete
SOCG442 delete
THEA361 and 362 change description
- A new description more accurately conveys the content of the course, focusing on a greater global perspective.
- Approved.
Special Majors
Linguistics, Revised
Contemplative Studies (2)
Special majors
Linguistics, Revised
Contemplative Studies
Spatial Data Science (3)
- Tabled pending clarification and revions to be reviewed via subsequent email.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40. Next meetings are tentatively 11/14 @ 4pm and 12/4 @ 10am